Il Globo: italian school in Florence, the city of art and culture


Florence: is the native city of Dante, the father of Italian language. To this day, almost 700 years after his death, Florence still enjoys the unquestioned title of being the centre of the Italian language.

Florence is also the cradle of the Renaissance and the home of innumerable art treasures.

Florence from our windows
Florence from our windows

A short twenty minutes walk from the historical centre of the town will bring you to the hills where you can see the harmonious blending of nature and civilisation over the centuries. There is also the Tuscan countryside, famous for its characteristic rolling hills and art treasures , easily accessible by bus or train.

In this splendid scene, in a city immersed in art and culture, our school offers students a minimum of three extra curricular activities per week. Lectures, guided visits to monuments and museums, panoramic walks, evenings at the cinema and concerts, classes in "Language & cooking" are some of the possibilities available.

Free time and cultural activities after Italian language courses Free time and cultural activities after Italian language courses
To view a typical week of extra"
curricular activities CLICK HERE

All activities conducted by our teachers are cost free or however offered at a low price.

Along with the organisation of activities aimed expressly for our students, you can benefit from the cultural programme which IL GLOBO produces in collaboration with the public administration of Florence and other municipalities in the province.

In the summer and other periods of local/national festivities there are numerous concerts and cultural events about which we will be pleased to inform you.

To have an idea of what we organise, click here: 1 2 3

In addition to all of this, IL GLOBO offers you the possibility to benefit from the facilities and discounts available at numerous restaurants and florentine shops. Here are the main participants:

  • "PIZZERIA PULCINELLA" (sconto del 20 %); via Alfani 32/r
  • Caffè "CHIARO SCURO"; via del Corso 36/r
  • "NABUCCO" wine bar (aperitivo a 6 euro ed altri sconti); via XXVII aprile 28/r
  • Discoteca "SPACE ELECTRONIC" (ingresso gratuito); via Palazzuolo
  • "TWISTED" Jazz Shop (sconto del 10 %); Borgo San Frediano 21/r
  • "DISKEMPORIUM" (sconto del 10%); via dello Studio
  • Hairstyle unisex / estetica "P.&F.PISTOLESI" (sconto del 10%) borgo Ss.Apostoli 50/52r
  • Palestra "RITMO CENTRALE" (sconto 50% sull'iscrizione ed altre tariffe speciali); via Mannelli 121/a

Credits: Bit Wave

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